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NEW Board Chair on Why She Writes Letters to NEW Women

NEW continues seeking volunteers to write letters of encouragement to our women who are working to achieve stability. One of our most loyal volunteers has been NEW Board Chair, Iris Drayton-Spann who has been writing notes of encouragement to a NEW woman for almost two years! Every week, she sits down to take time to offer her support through her words.

Here’s what she says about it:

“I enjoy writing uplifting note cards to the beautiful women clients that are a part of NEW. I have been writing weekly cards since the middle of 2020, when so many people were having to stay inside, and social distance due to the pandemic. I wanted to make sure that our women were reminded that someone is thinking about them. Someone cares, someone wants them to have a good day, no matter what.

When I sit and write out my note cards, it helps me to stay centered and focused on what’s really important: Showing that you care for others.

No matter what someone has gone through or experienced in life, we are still human beings with feelings and emotions. Sending a positive note in the mail, with kind words and inspirations, supports our mental well-being. It’s truly my honor to connect one note card at a time.”

Email to volunteer to write!

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