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Reba Raffaelli Receives the Mary Popit Partner in Caring Award

Those of you who know the history of New Endeavors by Women, know that in September 1989, only a year after NEW began, NEW was about to lose its funding from the DC government, when a letter arrived in Congressman Pete Stark’s office asking for help. Connections were made, help was given and NEW did not lose its DC funding, which continues to this day!

The Stark staff reached out to their friends, many of whom worked on Capitol Hill, to share NEW’s story and the nucleus of NEW’s donor base was established. Reba Raffaelli was one of those friends/donors.

In 1990, individuals who worked for the Center for National Policy were introduced to New Endeavors by Women. They learned enough about NEW to realize that a fundraiser might be a good project for them to undertake. Ann Ryan, NEW’s Executive Director at the time, agreed to the idea and suggested they invite me to join them. Anne Raffaelli and I joined the planning group and the first fundraiser occurred on Nov. 13, 1990 at the Stewart R. Mott House on Capitol Hill.

After that successful event, the question was - what would we do the next year?

Remember, Reba Raffaelli was a friend of NEW! She lived in a house on Capitol Hill! She volunteered to host the fundraiser. What a wonderful idea! Reba’s house was a great spot for those gatherings. People left their offices and came to Reba’s house. These fundraisers took place every year for a dozen years. It was only a special Anniversary, NEW’s 15th, and the need for more space that led NEW to hold a fundraiser at the Westin Hotel.

Of course, there are stories we could share about the fundraisers at Reba’s home. Here’s just one! The group planning one particular event met to work out details. Individuals, who had contacts to obtain donated items, such as water and food, offered to obtain these items. When the donated food arrived, it was on two small platters. Definitely, not enough for the group of people that was coming! That’s when Reba came to our rescue. “Not to worry,” she said. She quickly drove to Costco, mentally making the list of desired items while driving. She was back in 45 minutes with all the cheese, crackers, hummus, etc. we needed. I don’t think our attendees ever suspected how close they had come to a fundraiser with a very limited amount of food!

If you know Reba, you know when she commits to something, she commits! She had many connections among Hill staffers, as did her sister-in-law Anne Raffaelli. If both Anne and Reba knew someone, Reba believed it would be good for both of them to invite the person to the fundraiser. Two invitations were definitely better than one! Many of those Hill staffers continue to support NEW today.

Reba also knew that there were events which she attended where, at the end of the event, there was uneaten food. Of course, Reba knew this food could be given to NEW where it would be put to good use. As an example, the CA State Society was a regular source of great left-overs appreciated by the women at NEW.

So, for over thirty years, Reba Raffaelli has been a Partner in Caring about NEW and she has introduced many individuals to NEW so they, too, have become Partners in Caring.

Tonight, I am very happy to present the Mary Popit Partner in Caring Award to Reba Raffaelli.

Mary Popit, Former NEW Executive Director

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